Common Practices

The following examples showcase common practices for configuring custom dashboards and widgets. Let this be the starting point to ensure you are effectively monitoring your system-wide infrastructure data.

After insturmenting one of the Middleware Infrastructure Agent and APM packages, default dashboards relating to that data will automatically populate in your Dashboard Builder landing page. The following are examples of custom widgets that your team could create.

Kubernetes Example Widgets

Node CPU %

Select system.cpu.utilization as your primary metric, choose the Average By filter and aggregate by the sum of all Filter the above query such that is.k8s.node = yes

Select k8s.pod.cpu.utilization as your primary metric, choose the Average By filter and aggregate by the average of all Filter the above query such that = dndemo-deployment

To use the Kubernetes Widgets, import the following .json file into the Dashboard Builder:

Container Example Widgets

Active Containers
CPU Limit by Container
Memory Requests by Container (Bytes)

Choose the Query Value chart type, select as your primary metric and choose the Unique By filter to display the count of all active containers:

Choose the List chart type, select k8s.container.cpu_limit as your primary metric, choose the Maximum By filter and aggregate by the average value of all

Select container.memory.usage as your primary metric, choose the Average By filter and aggregate by the average value of all

To use the Container Widgets, import the following .json file into the Dashboard Builder:

Metrics Example Widgets

Gauge Active Connections
Download Speeds
User Downloads

Select as your primary metric, choose the Maximum By filter and aggregate by the average of all

Select downloads.speeds_bucket as your primary metric, choose the Average By filter and aggregate by the minimum of all region

Select uploads.count as your primary metric and choose the Count By filter

These Widgets were created by sending the following JSON through Postman:

You may need to adjust the format depending on how you are sending requests.

Next Steps

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